Year of publication:
Titel der Quelle:
יהדות זמננו; שנתון לעיון ולמחקר
Angaben zur Quelle:
4 (תשמח) 227-252
Jews History 1800-2000
Antisemitism History 1800-2000
Analyzes reactions of the editors and correspondents of "The Jewish Chronicle" and "The Jewish World" to the growing strength of the Nazi Party in Germany between 1930-33, and to Hitler, to Nazi ideology and propaganda, and to antisemitic incidents. States that the Jewish press was more realistic and sober than the general British press in assessing the dangers inherent in Nazism to the Jews, to the world, and to the future of civilization. The Jewish press tried to alert public opinion (Jewish and non-Jewish) to events in Germany which exposed the true nature of Nazi antisemitism (a combination of traditional Jew-hatred, racism, and scapegoating) and its primary significance for the Nazi movement. The Jewish community in Britain viewed the matter with utmost gravity, but its response was limited mainly to journalistic reports. The major Jewish organization, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, did virtually nothing.
אתר את הפרסום בקטלוג המאוחד של ספריות ישראל