Year of publication:
Titel der Quelle:
The Oxford Handbook of the Jewish Diaspora
Angaben zur Quelle:
(2021) 663-675
Synagogue music
Jews Music
History and criticism
Music Religious aspects
Music in the Jewish tradition is based on long-standing historic traditions and the influence of changing cultural surroundings as communities moved to new locations. This chapter begins by discussing textual sources, including biblical passages that describe the role of music in Jewish life and rabbinic sources that state music’s role during the ancient Temple service. Various regional traditions developed ranging from ancient Israel to communities throughout the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Spain, Europe, and the Americas. This chapter describes the practices of known liturgical musical traditions in Jewish communities of the last two hundred years, as these sources and documents allow us to best determine liturgical music in these contexts. The chapter focuses predominately on two main traditions—Ashkenazi and Sephardi/Mizrahi and three musical practices: cantillation, chant, and song.
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