Year of publication:
Titel der Quelle:
תיאוריה וביקורת; במה ישראלית
Angaben zur Quelle:
38-39 (2011) 11-34
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
Scopus, Mount (Jerusalem, Israel)
Located east of the Green Line in fortress-like premises, the Hebrew University campus on Mount Scopus hovers conspicuously over the Old City of Jerusalem, mirroring it in an uncanny resemblance. After having been an Israeli enclave at the heart of Jordanian rule during the nineteen years of the city's division, the Israeli return to this site was celebrated as an historical reclamation. Unlike the Old City, it marked a return to modern Zionist history and to the territorial map it delineated in cultural and civilian means. This paper examines the ramifications of this recent past on the 1967 campus design.The inquiry revolves around the fundamental difference between the monumental and pseudo-vernacular appearance of the campus as it is projected towards the city, and its hyper-capitalist interiors that share commonalities with the spatial ordering and control of shopping malls and airports. By occupying a liminal position in relation to the city, the campus both demarcates and transgresses the city's eastern boundary. Through the unfolding of the campus' megastructural design I examine how this politically contentious location is constructed in the Israeli imagination of national space as a threshold between destruction and rejuvenation, east and west, wilderness and civilization, and religious Jewish history and modern Zionist history.
אתר את הפרסום בקטלוג המאוחד של ספריות ישראל