Year of publication:
Titel der Quelle:
אוקימתא; מחקרים בספרות התלמודית והרבנית
Angaben zur Quelle:
ה (תשעט) 125-134
Butaril, Moiz
Ketubah (Jewish law)
Rabbinical literature
Manuscripts, Hebrew
Moses Botarel, who was active in Avignon during the fourteenth andearly fifteenth centuries, is remembered mostly for his commentary onSefer Yezirah. In that commentary, Botarel cited many literary worksthat never existed. Several decades ago, additional writings by Botarelwere published. Those writings relate to Jewish law, and they too containnumerous quotations from imaginary books. This article publishes, forthe first time, a legal responsum written by Botarel, found in amanuscript held by the Bodleian Library in Oxford. The responsum doesnot contain any explicit mention of fictional titles, but philologicalanalysis reveals the ways in which Botarel reworked and obscured hissources.
With an English summary.
כולל תעתיק ונוסח מוער של התשובה מתוך כתב יד אוקספורד - בודלי, קטלוג נויבאואר 1/783.
אתר את הפרסום בקטלוג המאוחד של ספריות ישראל