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16 (1992) 203-231
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Discusses the political conditions under which France decided to impose the Vichy statutes on Tunisian Jews, without a demand for it by the Germans. States that up to Vallat's visit in Tunisia in June 1941 application of anti-Jewish measures was moderate because of the pro-Jewish attitude of the French Resident General in Tunisia, Admiral Jean Pierre Estéva. Describes the later introduction of those measures - e.g. denaturalization, exclusion from professions, property confiscations. The situation became much worse after the German occupation, November 1942-May 1943. Labor camps were created where Jews worked for the German and Italian armies. The Jewish community was forced to pay huge fines, and some Jews were deported to concentration camps. Discusses, also, the psychological effects of the war period on the Jewish population of Tunisia.
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