Year of publication:
'The Biblical World' is a comprehensive guide to the contents, historical settings and social context of the Bible. It is essential reading for anyone who reads the Bible and wants to know more about how and why it came to be
Description / Table of Contents:
v. 1. pt. 1. The Bible. Old Testament/Hebrew Bible / Rex Mason -- The Apocrypha / Adele Reinhartz -- The New Testament / Christopher Tuckett -- pt. 2. Genres. Near Eastern myths and legends / Stephanie Dalley -- Historiography in the Old Testament / A.D.H. Mayes -- Prophecy / Graeme Auld -- Wisdom / Katharine Dell -- Apocalypticism / Christopher Rowland -- The Jewish novel / Lawrence M. Wills -- The gospels / John Muddiman -- Letters in the New Testament and in the Greco-Roman world / Harry Gamble -- pt. 3. Documents. Text and versions : the Old Testament / Carmel McCarthy -- Text and versions : the New Testament / David Parker -- The Dead Sea scrolls / George J. Brooke -- Hebrew inscriptions / Graham Davies -- The Cairo Genizah / Stefan C. Reif -- The gnostic gospels / Alastair H.B. Logan -- Early Jewish biblical interpretation / Alison Salvesen -- Early Christian biblical interpretation / Mark Edwards -- pt. 4. History. Biblical archaeology / Felicity J. Cobbing -- Palestine during the Bronze Age / J. Maxwell Miller -- Palestine during the Iron Age / Keith W. Whitelam -- The age of the exile / Joseph Blenkinsopp -- Israel under Persia and Greece / Lester L. Grabbe -- Judaea under Roman rule, 63 BCE-135 CE / Sarah Pearce -- Israel's neighbours / Bustenay Oded.
Description / Table of Contents:
v. 2. pt. 5. Institutions. The Hebrew and Aramaic languages / John Huehnergard and Jo Ann Hackett -- The Greek language / John Muddiman -- Warfare / Thomas M. Bolin -- The arts : architecture, music, poetry, psalmody / Susan Gillingham -- Law and administration in the New Testament world / J. Duncan M. Derrett -- Religion in pre-exilic Israel ; Religion in Israel during and after the exile / Rainer Albertz -- Judaism at the turn of the era / Jarl Fossum -- The first churches : social life ; The first churches : religious practice / Justin J. Meggitt -- pt. 6. Biblical figures. Israel's ancestors : the patriarchs and matriarchs / George W. Ramsey -- Moses / John Van Seters -- David and Solomon / Gwilym H. Jones -- Jesus / Robert Morgan -- Paul / David G. Horrell -- pt. 7. Religious ideas. Salvation in Jewish thought / Dan Cohn-Sherbok -- Salvation in Christian thought / Andrew Chester -- Interpretations of the identity and role of Jesus / Catrin H. Williams -- Death and afterlife / John J. Collins -- Purity / Gordon Wenham -- pt. 8. The Bible today. Jewish Bible translation / Leonard J. Greenspoon -- Christian Bible translation / Henry Wansbrough -- Modern biblical interpretation / William R. Telford.