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Contenu, ordre et structure des Bibles byzantines aux ixe et xe siècles (notes inédites revues par Patrick Andrist)

From the book From the Thames to the Euphrates De la Tamise à l’Euphrate

  • Paul Canart


En prevision du colloque organise a Namur en 2012 par Chiara Ruzzier et Xavier Hermand (≪ Comment le Livre s’est fait livre ≫), Paul Canart et Patrick Andrist s’etaient partages le traitement des pandectes grecques du premier millenaire. Le choix de Paul Canart s’etait porte sur les trois pandectes partiellement conservees des ixe et xe siecles (Codex Basilianus = Vat. gr. 2106 + Marc. gr. 1 ; Codex Pariathonensis = Par. gr. 14 + Stavronikita 29 ; et la Bible du patrice Leon = Reg. gr. 1). Sa communication n’a malheureusement pas paru en 2015 dans les actes du colloque, car il esperait d’une part se rendre a Venise pour poursuivre ses travaux, et d’autre part adapter son texte aux dernieres reflexions de la Syntaxe du codex. Il avait cependant eu la gentillesse d’envoyer a Patrick Andrist ses notes, deja substantielles sur de nombreux points et partiellement redigees, puis de l’encourager a poursuivre cette tache. C’est en hommage au travail pionnier de ce chercheur hors pair, en souvenir d’un ami cher, et egalement a titre documentaire que la partie redigee de ces notes, qui ont inspire un article paru en 2020 ainsi que la recherche presentee ci-dessous, dans ma contribution a ce volume, est publiee ici. Ces notes refletent donc l’etat des recherches inachevees de Paul Canart en 2012. Sauf indication supplementaire, les modifications sont limitees a des corrections d’ordre typographique, aux normalisations correspondant aux regles editoriales de ce volume, et a achever quelques phrases incompletement formulees ; quelques points sont cependant precises en notes. Le caractere parfois oral de ce texte, redige pour servir de base a la presentation de Namur, n’a pas ete efface. (PA).


In anticipation of the symposium organised by Chiara Ruzzier and Xavier Hermand in Namur in 2012 (“Comment le Livre s’est fait livre”), Paul Canart and Patrick Andrist looked at the Greek pandects of the first millennium, dividing the workload. Paul Canart chose to focus on the three partially preserved pandects from the ninth and tenth centuries (Codex Basilianus = Vat. gr. 2106 + Marc. gr. 1 ; Codex Pariathonensis = Par. gr. 14 + Stavronikita 29 ; Bible of Patrice Leon = Reg. gr. 1). Unfortunately, his paper did not make it into the 2015 proceedings as he had hoped to travel to Venice to continue his work, as well as adapt his text to the latest thinking on the Syntaxe du Codex. However, he kindly sent Patrick Andrist his notes, which were already substantial on many points and partially drafted, and later encouraged him to further pursue this task. It is as a tribute to the pioneering work of this outstanding researcher, as well as in memory of a dear friend and for documentary purposes, that his written notes, which inspired an article that appeared in 2020 as well as my research presented in this same volume, are published here. These notes therefore reflect the state of Paul Canart’s unfinished research in 2012. Unless otherwise indicated, all changes made have been limited to typographical corrections, standardising according to this volume’s editorial rules, and finishing a few incomplete sentences ; some points have however been made in notes added to the article. The sometimes oral style of this text, which was written to serve as a basis for the presentation in Namur, has been preserved. (PA).

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