The Oxford annotated Mishnah : a new translation of the Mishnah with introductions and notes / edited by Shaye J.D. Cohen, Robert Goldenberg, Hayim Lapin

Vol. 1: Zeraʿim - Moʿed -- vol. 2: Nashim - Neziqin -- vol 3: Qodashim - Tohorot - Appendix: Money, Weights and Measures, Glossary of untranslated Heb...
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Cohen, Shaye J. D. - 1948- [HerausgeberIn]

Goldenberg, Robert - 1942-2021 [HerausgeberIn]

Lapin, Hayim [HerausgeberIn]




3 vols.




Oxford: Oxford University Press ; 2022


11.22 Rabbinica


BD 3000 / Ausgaben und Übersetzungen, auch Textsammlungen. Allgemeines [Theologie und Religionswissenschaften, Judaistik, Religions- und Kulturgeschichte der Juden, Talmudisch-Rabbinisches Judentum (ca. 70-600), Quellen und Literatur, Mischna, Ausgaben und Übersetzungen, auch Textsammlungen, Ausgaben und Übersetzungen, auch Textsammlungen. Allgemeines]



Allgemeiner Hinweis:

An accessible version of the Mishnah in three volumes; Assembled by an expert group of translators and annotators; Includes explanations of technical terms and impressions, and reference to the New Testament and ancient Jewish works

Edited by Shaye J.D. Cohen, Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy, Harvard University, USA, Robert Goldenberg, Professor of History and Judaic Studies Emeritus, Stony Brook University, USA, and Hayim Lapin, Professor of History and Robert H. Smith Professor of Jewish Studies, University of Maryland, USA Shaye Cohen is Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy, Harvard University. He previously taught at Brown University and the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. He is widely recognized as one of the leading scholars of ancient Judaism in the USA. The late Robert Goldenberg retired in 2012 from a long and successful career of teaching Judaica and history at Stony Brook University. His main research interest was the history of Jews and Judaism in the Greco-Roman and late antique worlds. He has also taught at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. He is a former co-editor of the AJSReview. Hayim Lapin is Professor of History and Robert H. Smith Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Maryland. He has written extensively on rabbinic law and its social and economic contexts. Lapin also works in the field of digital humanities, with particular interest in editing and study of texts



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