The birth of Jewish historical studies and the modern Jewish religious movements / by Eliezer Schweid, translated and annotated by Leonard Levin

A comprehensive, interdisciplinary account of modern Jewish thought, Volume 2 (of 5) covers the major thinkers of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish...
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Toledot filosofiat ha-dat ha-yehudit ba-zeman he-ḥadash


Shveid, Eliʿezer - 1929-2022 [VerfasserIn]

Levin, Leonard - 1946- [ÜbersetzerIn, Verfasserin Von Ergänzendem Text]




Electronic books




Leiden: Brill ; 2015


Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter One The Philosophical Foundation for Jewish Studies; A. The Association (Verein) for the Culture and Scientific Study of Jewry; B. Eduard Gans; C. Immanuel Wolf; D. Leopold Zunz; Chapter Two The Science of History, Philosophy of History, and Reestablishing Judaism as the Religion of Reason; A. Historical Development; B. Judaism as "Religion of Spirit": The Teaching of Solomon Formstecher; C. Judaism as Ethical-Religious Commitment: The Teaching of Samuel Hirsch

D. Reform in the Mode of "Religious Feeling": The Influence of Friedrich Schleiermacher on Abraham GeigerChapter Three The Political Philosophy of the NationalHaskalah Movement in Eastern Europe; A. Introduction; B. Adapting the Doctrine of Interfaith Tolerance in the Secular State: The Teaching of R. Isaac Baer Levinsohn; C. The Attack on the Rabbinic Establishment: Spinoza's Influence on the Radical Hebrew Haskalah; Chapter Four Revealed Torah and Kant's Critical Idealism; A. Introductory Remarks

B. The Dialogue between R. Judah Halevi's Teaching and the Critical Philosophy of Locke and Kant in the Thought of Samuel David LuzzattoC. Revelation and the Critique of Reason: The Philosophy of Salomon Ludwig Steinheim; D. Discovering the Inner Light of Torah: The Teaching of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch; Chapter Five Adaptation and Growth of the Inner Space ofTorah in Response to Humanism; A. Introduction; B. Ultra-Orthodox Nationalism in Response to Reform: Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer; C. Systematic Grounding and Enrichment of Orthodoxy in Response to Humanism: The Teaching of the Malbim

D. Developing the Halakhic Alternative to Hasidism and Haskalah:The Students of the Vilna GaonChapter Six The Torah and the People: "Positive Historical" Judaism; A. Introduction; B. The General Social and Philosophical-Historical Background of the Conservative Movement: The Influence of Herder and Savigny; C. Adapting Halakha to the Needs and Will of the People: Zechariah Frankel's Doctrine; D. Divine Providence and Ethical Mission in Jewish History:The Teaching of Heinrich Graetz; Chapter Seven The Drive for Unity in the East-European Haskalah and the Turn to Zionism; A. Introduction

B. Defense of Hasidism and Halakha from a Maskilic Point of View: The Peace Making of Eliezer ZweifelC. Relation of Religion and Nation in Judaism and the Way to Spiritual Zionism: The Peregrinations of Peretz Smolenskin's Thought; D. The Dawn of Religious Nationalism: Jehiel Michal Pines; E. From "Spiritual Nationality" to Secular "Natural Nationality": Exacerbating the Controversy in the Teaching of Moses Leib Lilienblum; Glossary; Bibliography; Index


11.29 Judentum: Sonstiges Religionswissenschaft

08.37 Religionsphilosophie

08.24 Neue westliche Philosophie


Judentum / Religionsphilosophie / Neuzeit


A history of modern Jewish religious philosophy / by Eliezer Schweid; translation by Leonard Levin - 2

Supplements to The journal of Jewish thought and philosophy - 24






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