Roots of theological anti-Semitism : German biblical interpretation and the Jews, from Herder and Semler to Kittel and Bultmann / by Anders Gerdmar

As Adolf Hitler strategised his way to power, he knew that it was necessary to gain the support of theology and the Church. This study looks at roots...
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Gerdmar, Anders - 1954- [VerfasserIn]




1 Online Ressource (xviii, 678 Seiten)




Leiden Boston: Brill ; 2008

© 2009


Contents; Foreword; Introduction: Roots of Theological Anti-Semitism; Defining Anti-Semitism; The Analysis; Who are the Exegetes? On the Choice and Delimitation of Materials; Research Traditions versus the Scholars' Own Contextual Theology; What This Study Does and Does Not Do; PART I ENLIGHTENMENT EXEGESIS AND THE JEWS; Introduction; The Jews in Enlightenment Exegesis From Deism to de Wette; An English Prelude: Enlightened Prejudice against the Jews; The Moral Philosopher: Judaism as an 'Egyptianiz'd' Degeneration; Christian is Good, Jewish is Evil; Conclusion

Johann Salomo Semler: Dejudaising ChristianitySemler's View on the Jews and Judaism; Idealistic Historiography; The Moral Element; Universalism and Particularism; View of the Old Testament; Semler on Tolerance; Conclusion; Johann Gottfried Herder: The Volk Concept and the Jews; Herder on the Jews; Degeneration Hypothesis; Herder and the Emancipation of the Jews; The Volk Concept and the Jews; Conclusion; F. D. E. Schleiermacher: Enlightenment Religion and Judaism; Schleiermacher and Judaism; Schleiermacher and the Old Testament; Schleiermacher on the Concrete Situation of the Jews

The Influence of Schleiermacher; Conclusion; W. M. L. de Wette: Judaism as Degenerated Hebraism; The Picture of the Jews: Hebraismus, Judenthum and Christianity; View of the Old Testament; Early Christianity and Jesus; de Wette and Contemporary Judaism; Conclusion; The Jews in Enlightenment Exegesis from Baur to Ritschl; Ferdinand Christian Baur: Judaism as an Historical Antipode of Christianity; A Dialectical Movement from Paganism and Judaism to Early Christianity; From the Jerusalem Church to World Religion; Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ; Dialectical Opposition in Corinth

The Letter to the Romans: Written to ""Cut Jewish Particularism at its Root""Jesus and Judaism; Judaism: A Pawn in the Game; Contextualising Baur's Philosophical Theology; Conclusion; David Friedrich Strauss: Judaism in Continuity and Discontinuity with Christianity; Reconstructing Jewish Past; Continuity and Discontinuity; Dialectics and the Emergence of Christianity; Strauss on the Jews; Jewish-Christian Past and German Present; Conclusion; Albrecht Ritschl: Kulturprotestantismus and the Jews; Ritschl on the Jews and Judaism; Jewish Christianity; Conclusion

The History of Religions School and the Jews- An Historical Turn?Bousset and Weiss on the Jews; The Preaching of Jesus: Two Opposing Views; Wilhelm Bousset: The Religion of Judaism in the New Testament Age; Bousset's Overarching Historiography of Religions; Late Jewish Degeneration; Palestinian versus Diaspora Judaism; Controversial Use of Intertestamental Sources; Hugo Gressmann, Die Religion des Judentums, and the Berlin Institutum Judaicum; Gressmann's Revision of Bousset's Religion der Judentum; Johannes Weiss: The Jews in Das Urchristentum

Contextualising the History of Religions School and the Jews


Antijudaismus / Antisemitismus / Deutschland

Exegese / Protestantismus

weitere Schlagwörter:

Bible, History, Germany

Bible, Criticism, interpretation, etc, History, Germany

Christianity and antisemitism


Christianity and other religions

Judaism (Christian theology)


Theology, Doctrinal

Theology, Doctrinal


Christianity and other religions

Judaism (Christian theology)


Allgemeiner Hinweis:

Includes bibliographical references (p. [619]-651) and indexes


Studies in Jewish history and culture - v. 20

Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:

Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe

Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:

Rezensiert in: Roots of Theological Anti-Semitism. German Biblical Interpretation and the Jews, from Herder and Semler to Kittel and Bultmann - Deines, Roland, 1961 -, 2011





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