Year of publication:
Titel der Quelle:
ביטחון סוציאלי
Angaben zur Quelle:
118 (תשפג) 37-61
Older people Interviews
Older people Institutional care
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- Social aspects
Older people Home care
The article discusses ageist perspectives of the Covid-19 period for the olderpopulation, whether living at home or in out-of-home frameworks, as theyemerged from older people’s reported experiences. Analyzing the interviewsrevealed that ageism connected to the imposed isolation was moreaccentuated in out-of-home frameworks. They were sometimes described as“closed institutions” or even as “prison”. Ignoring the tenants’representatives’ voice further implies further this implication. Nevertheless,despite the strict restrictions imposed in these frameworks it appears thatthe tenants and their representatives complied with this control.Analyzing the interviews indicated that the ageist attitude was also found inrelation to the older people living at their homes. Ageism was revealedthrough the children’s latent control over their older parents’ mobility andtheir decision-making ability. Some of the interviewees suggested that due tothe political and media discourse ageism deepened during Covid-19. Theinterviews also clarified that during this period Arab older people tended tocling harder to faith and religiLatent ageism that is not openly discussed, but which is transferred throughcompassionate righteous attitude, and through ignoring or silencing theelderly, also emerged from the analysis. It is connected, apparently, to thefear and anxiety in referring to the “carriers of death” on the one hand, andto their care on the other. The article’s contribution consists in comparing the older people’sexperiences in the various frameworks, living at home and out of home.Another contribution is the focus on the interviewees’ descriptions of theirown experiences during Covid-19, perceiving them as the basis of theresearch.The research used the qualitative-narrative method. It was conducted duringthe months of August-October 2020 and March-May 2021. 30 interviewswere carried out with both Jewish and Arab elderly people (all of them over75), living at home or in out-of-home frameworks, as well as 7 officials withinthese frameworks.ous rituals.
With an English abstract.
אתר את הפרסום בקטלוג המאוחד של ספריות ישראל